The story of the historical and local history museum in Brody begins in 1979. Back then, to establish a museum the government gave part of a building of XVIII-ХІХ centuries in a historical downtown of Brody. During 1980-1984s under the guidance of a local historian and director of the museum Dmytro Chobot the exhibits were collected and the exposition was created. The opening of a new local history museum of Brody solemnly took place in September 1984, when the town celebrated its 900th anniversary. For a long time the museum carried a status of a national one, and only starting from April 1991 it became one of the departments of Lviv historical museum.
In 2001 the museum became a communal institution of the regional council of Brody and was named “Brody historical and local history museum”.
The exposition of the museum is located in 7 halls and is divided into 43 sections, set in a chronological and thematic order. Funds of the museum count over 5 thousand of exhibits of the main fund and over 4 thousand units of the research and support fund. Each year, the collection of the museum adds materials from archaeological excavations, works of modern art, household items, photos, documents and other materials. The exposition is complemented with a panorama «Brody XVII-XVIII centuries.», works of art by Brody artists, banner photos with views of historical and cultural monuments of the city and district. A museum library and exhibition halls, located in the palace of Brody fortress operate under the Brody historical and local history museum. The employees of the museum
conduct sightseeing and thematic tours of the exhibition, Brody, Brody Castle, take part in scientific conferences, international projects and issue scientific collections and monographic research, work on studying and popularizing the historical heritage of the oblast, provide professional advice.
Brody historical and local history museum
Head – Strilchuk Vasil Mykhailovich
Work schedule: from 9 to 18, except for Saturdays